Thursday, June 13, 2013

Did I ever tell you that the mayor thinks I am pretty?

I like to think the world revolves around me. This way I can live in my little bubble world of happiness, hearts and butterflies. My poor husband has to live in my shadow. I am sure its difficult for him. I really do feel for the guy. 
 My husband is an important person. His job is important and his work matters to the community and the people he serves. He is educated, savvy, tactful, and a gregarious leader. One day in recent history, my handsome husband was on the docket to give a presentation to the city council. He wants to raise the fees the city charges in return for better service and to keep up with demand and competition. It is the first time in history that the industry (customers) are actually supporting the fee increases. Hubby did a great job on all the politics, he convinced everyone to be on board with him, there is much more detail to the whole thing, but I was never one for paying attention. He did all the research and had pie charts and graphs and other neat graphics to illustrate all the important points. As Greg was introduced, he, like the gentleman he is, made sure to introduce me as being there at the presentation to show support for him. All the city officials looked up and said hello politely to me. The mayor, who is actually a nice woman/mother/mayor in her forties, looked up at me and smiled. She said, "Aren't you pretty! Greg is a lucky guy". Well that was THAT! From that point on, as soon a Greg would start telling anyone about his accomplishment and his presentation at the city council, I would blurt out, "the mayor thinks I'm pretty!". I said it over and over, I interrupted his conversations. I walked around the house telling the furniture and the dog. I posted it and tweeted it. It was my favorite thing to say. The mayor thinks I am pretty. Well, time passed and I eventually found something else to bother my poor spouse with. And I guess I sorta forgot about my brief insanity. Then it was Christmas, all were gathered around me as I opened a very special gift (so they were telling me) from my sister. I excitedly opened the package. There, inside the non-descript packaging, was a beautiful mug. A coffee cup with my headshot and the words: The mayor thinks I'm pretty! And so the monumental statement lives on. It is forever enshrined on the coffee cup that I use as a pencil cup on my desk. And I get to be the center of the universe every time I look at it.

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